Albeit a bit cool and breezy, this seemed to be the right morning to tackle this,.....

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Half the fun of this game can be building fixtures and shop accessories, so an empty Dos Equis box was chosen as the "Tig Booth" and some 3.5 Nickle rod was blorped around with an air cooled torch, a 3/32" Lanthanated Tungsten, under a somewhat porous and flighty pure argon shield.

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A bit of hacking, grinding, and filing ensued. I had been concerned about this Fine Swede steel perhaps going glass
hard , actually went in the opposite direction and the whole piece went dead soft, and to consistency that "pins" a file in short order.

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The belt sander and some 3M Rolox discs in an air grinder got the sucker's attention though,.....

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I LIKE the way this turned out, and as far as I can see this Buttplate is deeper and wider than anything out there available on the commercial supply line. Damn good way to tame the hard kickers, I reckon. The current condition of finish is really overkill, and once the piece is inletted into the buttstock, some more filing and grinding will be inevitable. Oh, and YES, that is a high spot down by that screw hole,'ll all buff out on fitting, and adjustment of the final shape. (and that can take as long or longer than all of the roughing thus far) whistle

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Time to fire up a tractor,....see ya'll later.


Last edited by crossfireoops; 04/19/15.

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain