Originally Posted by xxclaro
I find faith to be a bit confusing. Not faith itself, exactly, but why it is perceived as such a desirable trait. Why is it so noble and laudable to have faith? In almost all other area's of life, we encourage critical thinking and rationale, but when it comes to religion it's suddenly preferable to have faith. We see even here on this forum that many consider those who have faith to be superior to those who do not. Why is that? What makes it such a desirable characteristic to be able to believe very strongly in something you can't prove one way or the other? I'm not in any way trying to put down people who have faith, it simply something that I can't quite get a grasp on. If I think about it rationally from a human standpoint, it seems to me to be a tool that would be used in an attempt to control people, by painting those with faith as good people and those without as bad.

Well said.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell