Good evening to you sir, I hope this finds you and yours doing OK this muggy summer Saturday night.

I've got to say that even when I came to a place where I had faith in a Supreme Being, it didn't mean for me that I had some sort of total clarity on my life's path from there forward.

Most days it's all I can do to keep it between the ditches if that makes any sense?

A large part of the reason for my faith is that I was exposed to circumstances for which there were then and remain now no scientific explanation. Some of the incident occurred when I was alone, so one could make the case that I'm not remembering the facts clearly, am overstating what I experienced or even that am flat out lying.

The other side of it, thinking critically on my part and please understand that I'm a born skeptic, is that there exists things in this life that are beyond my direct knowledge and comprehension. If I go down that path - via faith now because I don't have the answers as to how these events took place - then I've had to come to grips with what I was going to do with that information.

Faith - say in this instance in a Creator, but it could be in people too - seems to come easier for some folks than for others and I'd be lying if I said that makes sense or seems "fair" to me.

Personally speaking, a very big part of my faith in how I got here and what I'm hopefully supposed to be doing while on this ride - is that we're all created equally as humans - so I'm no better or worse than any other human. My late father used to say "To God all souls weigh the same."

Lastly, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding that all those who have the faith we've been discussing suddenly loose the ability to reason or critically think.

It would seem to me that generalities about either camp are illogical and inaccurate at best, so again speaking personally I try to avoid them when it comes to these topics.

Again hopefully that made some sense sir and again too, all the best to you folks for the rest of this weekend.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"