Originally Posted by pepe
Atheists don't exist.

In order to state categorically and absolutely "there is no God" one must know for sure He's not sitting on some rock on the back side of Jupiter's 3rd moon. In fact, to make the claim "there is no God" one would have to be able to make an exhaustive list of everything that exists in the cosmos and show god is not one of those items. That, of course, would mean the person making the statement and the list is All-Knowing, and, therefore, God himself. It is a basic axiom of logic that one cannot deny his own existence.

The statement "there is no God" is therefore self-defeating, and logically impossible.

One may say he is 99.9% sure god doesn't exist, or he hasn't seen evidence or he is unsure. (agnostic) But, no one can ever truly make the absolute statement "there is no god" (atheist)

Pepe, welcome to the Forum and philosophical/religious discussion.

Actually Pepe, the world is full of Athiest. Virtually everyone on this forum is an Atheist. Many functional atheist admit that logically it's impossible to prove a negative. However, if you can change the negative to a question of fact, a religion can be disproven.

Let me give you an example. According to the ancient Greek religions, the Gods lived atop Mount Olympus. Men have visited the top of Mount Olympus and there were no Gods to be found. Having disproven this foundational element of the Greek religions, we can say with 100% certainty their god do not exist and relegate this religion to the status of Myth.

The same can be said for the Aztec religion that required human blood sacrifices to insure the sun would continue to rise. Their murder shrines remain idle for centuries, yet the sun continues to rise. In addition, with Newton and Einsteins explanations of gravity, the true force behind the sunrise we can with 100% certainty dismiss this religion as false, and relegate it to the status of Myth.

Likewise, we can apply the same level of scrutiny to the Bible and various Christian interperations of it. As an example EVERYONE one this site is an an Atheist in their beliefs of the Millerite sect. The Millerite predicted Armageddon would occur in 1849. Since Armageddon didn't occur in 1849, once again, we can unequivocally say they were wrong.

We can extend this same type of analysis to the idea's that the Christian God is all knowing, all loving, and all powerful, and that the Bible is the perfect word of God. All knowing doesn't survive Genesis, all loving doesn't survive Exodus, and as for all powerful and perfect word, well, those do not survive the conflicting genealogies of Jesus and the inability of the gospels to agree upon how many of what and at what time were present at the opening of Jesus's tomb. The inability for him to bring consensus on even these simple points once again demonstrates God is neither all powerful, nor is the test perfect.

As a result of the Biblical text failing the reading against itself, it too can be relegated to the category of Myth.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell