I had a dog that was so fast he could run the stripes off a coons tail. I seen him make a tunnel in the air that took ten minutes to fill up! He weren't nothing up agin ol' Ricochet, no how. That one he burned up chasin' pheasants. Liketoa burned up halfa South Dakota afor they got him put out. Yep, ol' Ricochet was a goin' concern.

Course, not alla them was fast ones. Had one that was real smart tho. Taught 'im to get the mail all by 'isself. He was so slow he brought the Christmas cards on the Fourth of July, but hey, he was a likable cuss. Used to lay by the stove alot, but he froze to death in July waiting for the heat from last winter to warm him up.

Yep. Good ol' dogs is hard ta come by. I been blessed.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack