while reading on another thread, the subject reminded me of an incident from several years past;

several years ago, my wife and i would climb the "M" approximately every 2 or 3 days, just to stay in reasonable shape.

on occasion, a friend would join us.

one particular night our friend Pete M. wanted to go, but we both had prior commitments, and couldn't go--and subsequently, Pete went by himself that evening.

after he had climbed the "M" and had come back down, he saw a group of several guys parked down in the lot, and they were partying--according to him--on booze and ditch weed.

they had very deliberately blocked in his car so he couldn't leave, and then started harassing him--shoving him around, and giving him a hard time in general. they had their fun with it for awhile, and after a fashion, they finally let him go--laughing at him as he went to get in his car to leave.

it shook him up aplenty.

a couple days later, while we were headed to climb the "M", he told me about the incident and said, "if you had been along that evening it wouldn't have happened."

i told him, "you know Pete, that's pure BS--what you really needed was the Weasel (scenarshooter), for that situation--not me.

he excitedly replied, "i wanted the Equalizer--not the Terminator!!"

we've all laughed about that remark for years...

all learning is like a funnel:
however, contrary to popular thought, one begins with the the narrow end.
the more you progress, the more it expands into greater discovery--and the less of an audience you will have...