I recall reading a lot of Jack O'Connor, John Jobson and Russell Annabel in OL when I was a kid. I read every word and as kids do memorized much of it. I have since had 1 or more rifles in many calibers (most larger than .270 but some smaller) and have shot a few head of deer, elk, bear and moose. I get very tired of the many posts I seen asking if XXX is enough gun for deer or elk or whatever. If the caliber is .243 or larger the answer is "YES". It IS where you hit them not necessarily what you hit them with. All of these writers took many more head of game than I and almost all with .270 or less (Mr. Annabel really like the 250-3000 Savage which is quite light by the standards of today). Ask yourself whether you would really like something that kicked less and then swallow your pride and learn to shoot it. You'll wound less game and have more fun in the process.
