Originally Posted by SansSouci

Mule Deer's job is to sell his employer's magazine. If he can't do that he'll be looking for another job.

Tell me what you about about scientific methodology. Are you under the impression that shooting bullets into media is scientific? Shooting big game is scientific?

About the best both are is anecdotal. Neither are empirical. Both fall woefully shy of scientific. Therefore, Mule Deer's testing is entertainment.

Smoke, it might help were you to become familiar with scientific methodology. That way you'll be able to tell the difference between science & entertainment.

Jus' sayin'...

A learned man (such as yourself) would actually know what empirical evidence really means. You obviously don't know and you are not going to fool anyone.

Knowledge you gain from observation or experimentation (AKA: finding [bleep] out for yourself). Results can be garnered by shooting into media or game therefore they are empirical. Or do you still think people like JB just pull schitt out of their azz just to "sell" magazines...
To be "scientific", the method must be based on empirical and measurable evidence. such as shooting into media and/or big game animals, developing/testing loads, etc, etc.

Anything else you have to offer, Professor?