Originally Posted by 4ager
Never said you were race baited. The mobs in Ferguson and NYC damned sure are, though, and the ONLY reason this is an issue and getting any attention at all is because the .gov at all levels is placating 13% of the population due to RACE and nothing else.

Facts don't matter, only the perception to that RACE, and THAT is RACIST and race-baiting.

Clear enough?

Now let me be clear, I'm not interested in even discussing the racial aspect of this case because to me that's not what is in question. The race issues, riots, or anything else going on are completely secondary to what happened and whether what happened was right or wrong, or consistent with our expectations of law-enforcement practices. That's the only thing I really care about. First we determine whether or not someone acted in a manner consistent with policies and training. Then if they didn't there may be a crime. If there was a crime then there's the question of whether the crime may or may not have been racially motivated. So as far as I'm concerned the racial issue is way the hell down the list, but most everybody else has elevated it to question number one.