Originally Posted by KFWA

well this thing being video taped is kinda the whole point. There is no shortage of people that have responded to this video. On the one hand you have a faction that says you can't tell anything from the short video and on the other hand you have people that are saying this video is all you need to see to know that some change in approach is needed.

As a result of this being video taped, I am pretty certain that this man's wife is going to receive a pretty hefty settlement from the city.

So as a result is stands to reason that if cops wear body cameras (see the case in Rialto, CA) that behavior is modified to reduce complaints against the police and the city at large, and in turn , a reduction in legals fees and civil court findings.

You could even argue its a net savings in the long run.

The second issue is that if cops don't have body camera, you better believe the public at large will have one - and that isn't going to go away in the near future. Of course a camera that doesn't show the whole story is going to have a negative effect on the public at large.

If Darren Wilson had a body camera, you think Ferguson would burned to the ground right now?

It will not save one penny. It will only consume more tax money.


Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house