Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by RichardAustin
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
the main thing all this tells the observer, is that someone, or some entity, is coordinating, orchestrating and promoting these 'responses'. There is just way too much similarity and consistency of behavior and rhetoric, for these protests to be random.
These events are being used to galvanize blacks, and to herd them into 'useful' behavior.

And how easy the police force makes it for them. It's not like one could foster that sentiment over night.

Hang on. Wasn't the case presented to the grand jury by a prosecutor? You know, the "ham sandwich" guy?

You have half a dozen guys saying to look at the big picture, and how folks are being manipulated, and DickAustin comes up with that statement.

I facepalmed so friggin hard, I'm surprised you didn't feel it.