Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by KFWA

here is something I'd support. It may be done in more states now.


and that may be overkill if we just got to the point where every LEO had a body camera.

I would guess that given the video and all the peripheral information, that Garner's wife is going to get a fat settlement from the City for his death

and as body cameras show more examples of excessive police force (whether you think this was an example of it or not) having it documented is going to ultimately lead to more civil lawsuits that the police pay out (or settle out of court) -
which will result in wholesale policy change within a department.

So even if a policeman is justified within the law, if his actions end up costing the city $2m, that will motivate change more than any outcry from the public.

I don't want to sound rude, but you have a lot to learn about the law enforcement business.


rude doesn't bother me but at least take the time to educate me
Allow me...my own taxes are maxed out. I don't want to pay for a bunch of damned cameras. Any technology can be gamed and bypassed. This whole thing was already videoed. How in the world do you think there would have been any benefit to having a camera there?

Personally, I HATE cameras. They're already everywhere. If Obama is for them, then there is some twist to it. Hell, if the REPUBLICAN PARTY is for them, there is some twist to it. There almost always is with politicians. Look at Zero Care. Supposed to help poor folks and it ends up costing them more for inferior medical. That's what this would do...somehow.

Reign the government in and the cops will follow.