well we are at an impass on our opinions.

I don't argue that the people wanted to riot..its a simmering pot waiting to boil in alot of urban areas.

but video tape evidence showing Michael Brown attacking Wilson would have squelched it, it would have prevented Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton from making their march to Ferguson and would have dampened hours of liberal media building up an antagonistic public. For that matter it would have prevented Wilson from even being investigated by a grand jury with led to the build up and justification for the rioting.

and you are already being video taped by cops with dashboard cams, and a good portion of your day in any urban area is being video taped by a number of police accessible cameras - ATM, Security, webcams, etc.,

but the issue is - in the case of Michael Brown, -the actual event wasn't recorded, what was recorded was video of "witnesses" lying about what they saw, police responding in riot gear to "protestors" without any context

That is the danger of just reyling on the public at large.

Last edited by KFWA; 12/05/14.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings