An LCP in a pocket holster is much more comforting than nothing at all, but I have found a drawback.

My fat ass got leaner over the last six months and Wranglers have much smaller front pockets than the Dickey's jeans I have worn for years. The LCP and holster is tougher going in than the LCP coming out but it's still tight. But it works very well for many situations like quick trips around town and nighttime bicycle rides out in the country where a confrontation with a meth head is more likely than a home invasion.

But I am ready for options, I am leaning out enough to try the G19 or a G26 and IWB holster but I will continue the LCP pocket carry.

A 9mm LCP if it was possible, would be a hit but a handful.

Since the conversation drifted from strictly pocket carry, at home the LCP is in my pocket or five steps away, in my pocket while working in the garage or outside doing yard work. Inside there is also the G19 and G20 ready to go until I can reach least one rifle or carbine located outside of the safe. A home invasion is unlikely where I live but I do know one family has a meth head son who comes and goes, it's a small 50 home country community with one way in and one way out. To be further prepared, l fenced the property with a 3-rail fence and gate that remains closed and locked at all times. It's a mental barrier for normal people so I am prepared to draw if there is a knock on the door or any person approaches me outside because I know they have jumped the fence.
