Yeah Sam we just leave them together and let them do their thing. Not having the cows come into season all at once allows us to get by with one bull which we replace about every 3 years or so. And due to our generally mild climate and having the second largest cattle auction in the state right here in our hometown it really doesn’t matter that the calves come at all times of the year.

Used to work for a guy who raised registered bulls and had a few hundred mommas that calved at the same time. And of course we worked calves all at the same time too, usually when it was about 100 degrees out. Too much working cattle for me. I don’t mind feeding in the winter but I don’t miss the hot dusty 12 or 15 hour days of cutting steers, ear tagging, giving shots, branding, and dehorning, coming home dog tired covered in sweat, blood, dirt, and chit.