Originally Posted by EdM
No doubt Sam. The final build, serpentine and all. It'll be on my truck tomorrow. Just dumbazz retirement fun.

Nice looking motor, but that’s some funny looking fuel injection :-)

Originally Posted by SamOlson
Salty, good on you for turning around and checking up on that ol' cow. Glad you didn't have to wallow out in the mud with her........grin

We calve alongside the Missouri river for a mile or two and there are some backwaters that can get pretty mucky when things thaw out. Knock on wood I've only had to pull a calf out, never had a cow get bogged down in that stuff.

We have roughly 80 on the ground, about 1/4 of the way done. Looks like more chilly temps this week and then hopefully it's time for spring.

I guess it's been a nightmare over in Phillips county which is about 100 miles west of here. They have more snow and have also been colder(-14F last week), not good. Every time I feel sorry for the situation here I think about those guys and all the froze up calves....

On a more positive note Ed, that looks pretty sharp! I might have missed it but how many HP's does that badboy produce?

And when you get it hooked up it will certainly require a vid!

We are supposed to get 2”-4” snow then rain equal to 1.25 of water in the valley this weekend. It’s going to get even more messy for the folks calving. I hope it warms up and drys up soon.

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne