Originally Posted by T_Inman
What's the reason for the push to keep the opener on a Monday?

Is the season planned to be opened two days earlier or five days later than in the past? Is the last day of the season to remain the same or is the season still going to be X days long?

I don't care what day they open it, but here is the cliff notes version.

The Monday opener after Thanksgiving is much the same as a traditional State holiday among many. Been that way for what seems like forever. Much the same as December 25th. December 25th may fall on any day of the week, but the 25th is the 25th and the Monday after Thanksgiving is "the" Monday, and that Monday is the Deer season opener. For those who don't want the change, the reason is tradition. Nothing more, nothing less. It is their tradition, and I suspect those following will come to think a Saturday opener is their tradition and will be resistant to change.

If we ever get to hunt on Sunday, watch what will happen. "Why can't Saturday be a traveling day and I won't have to take off work on Friday. Sunday should be the opener, it makes sense in that it is the first day of the week." Waaa, Waaa, Waaa, Waaa!!!!

Last edited by battue; 04/17/19.

laissez les bons temps rouler