Originally Posted by dubePA
Not all that odd, when many of those friends we share deer seasons with each year live near your hunting camp, that's four or more hours from your home and you only see them a few times per year when you're there? If you've been hunting with them in the same places for decades, farmers and others that live near that camp have long ago become friends.

Because not everyone has the same hunting traditions, maybe it's too much to expect someone to figure out what is important to others, if it doesn't happen to fit their idea of how deer seasons are supposed to be enjoyed? Might be a regional thing, or differences from state to state. I wouldn't ridicule how others do things, not really sure why some feel compelled to do that to someone else?

So the answer is make to fight the Game Commission and 1/2 the hunters, so you can maintain a fixed social schedule.

So a Saturday opener means you'll never see them again? If so, who gives a fugg, the weren't that important to begin with.

You gals keep lobbying to have your dance card filled by the government. Hard to believe we've fallen so far that Yankees no depend on government to maintain their friendships.

Funnnnnnnnnnnny stuff

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"