Originally Posted by battue
Where you live T?

I live in MN. I hunt in MN, WI, and SD (When I can). MN and WI have STRONG opening weekend traditions. Where I hunt in MN there is a 16 day season. WI has a 9 day season. Overall I would give the edge to WI as far as "gung-ho" on deer hunting. Most go for the 9 days since it falls over Thanksgiving.

I just can't imagine not wanting more days to hunt. I know in WI the bow hunters piss and moan like they own the place because some gun hunters want the season to start one weekend earlier so we can catch some of the rut with the rifle hunters. But for the most part we get along. I would say the biggest issues that WI hunters argue about is baiting. I won't get into that here because it would go off on a tangent of it's own.

Camp is where you make it.