Originally Posted by Hectortwsp

You have that correct a real cluster f'k brought about by the peopl;e we hire to manage the game animals hence shut them down and reform, that is the only way out of it.

Another bring them down, without any ideas on how to correct the preceived problems.

What would you have the new crew do different. Shut Deer season down a few years so the herd can build up? Eliminate Doe tags? How about the decline in Ruffed Grouse numbers? What would be your suggestions to the new directors and what experience do you have so they may think you know what you are talking about? After all you want them to represent you. What experience do you bring to the table so your suggestions also represent me.

You can stand outside and almost listen to our Ash tree population crash to the ground from the ash borer that is killing them. They are a valuable part of the GC wooded GLs with regards wildlife habitat. Any suggestions to your new crew to possibly save them from completely dying out in the Pa forests. If they do die out, what will be the effect on various species of wildlife. Surely you have at least a few answers....Don't you????

Last edited by battue; 04/21/19.

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