"If you two expect others to follow you, how will you lead other than to tell them to get their head out of their azz"

Yikes! Please don't include me in their insanity. How they conduct themselves here speaks volumes about their attitudes and what they bring to the table.

SKane: This decision to move the deer opener to Saturday, wasn't "legislation". It was a regulatory move by the Board of Commissioners. There is a difference in how such things come to pass here. The BOC can make regulations on issues under their control. They can set seasons/bag limits, permit fees and many other regulations.

Our very limited Sunday hunting is under the control of the Legislature, as are such things as the cost of the license itself, the cost of which has not gone up since 1999. Why? Because the disgruntled ankle biters continually complain to the politicians, with the same accusations you've seen posted here...

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.