The PGC hasn't had a license increase in almost 20 years but the price of everything has gone up since then.They're mandated by the legislature and state contracts to to only have X-number of employees and they salaries,benefits and pensions that the state sets.Because of budget constraints,we have three food and cover employees who manage over 30k acres of state game lands in a 400 sq mile area.We have one WCO and no deputies patrolling the same district.I'm not sure what you mean by mismanagement but my 13 year old son has had a far better start with just about everything than I did as a 12 year old in 1980.This past year he killed a buck,several doe,Two big gobblers and around 30 pheasants all on Public and DMAP'd property open to the public.I never would have dreamed that was possible in 1980.People can continue to run to their legislators every time they don't get a deer but I'll continue to support the PGC and teach my son how to find game.