Do I believe Elmer Keith shot that deer at 600 yards with a 44 Magnum S&W handgun?
Do I believe Elmer Keith would embellish a story?
Great story tellers are great embellishers. Elmer Keith was a great story teller. Yeah, I beleve he did about everything he said he did. And I believe the man was bound by an inner force to be as truthful as he could be. He was a moral person. But he was also human and I believe he could put a slant on things (embelish) in a story to make it more entertaining. That’s what story tellers do. Now that .60” Hole through that deer may have actually been only .50 or .45, but in the moment it stuck in his brain as .60. Yeah the whole thing sounds like a stretch or at least parts of it, but it could have been a freak too. Sheit happens.
If all writers wrote things exactly as they happened they'd be pretty dull and they probably wouldn’t be in the business very long.
Sorry if this might have popped a few bubbles but that's life.

Last edited by Filaman; 03/23/20.

What goes up must come down, what goes around comes around, there's no free lunch. Trump's comin' back, get over it!