I was not going to comment on Bob's trip out west, until he broke the issue.

Yes, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with Bob in an area where we could safely shoot out as far as we wished. I would pick out the badger mound and tell Bob the range, and he would shoot it with one of his several 4 inch 41 magnum revolvers.

I had my Ruger hunter and a Smith 657 6 inch. And with a bit of coaching from Bob, I was soon making hits beyond 400 yds.

Perhaps not on the first shot but conditions were dry and dusty, and it was easy to correct hold and sight picture to make hits with the second or third shot.

I will just leave this out there. I saw enough that day to know that I would not want Bob shooting at me from 600, 700, or even 800 yds with any of his revolvers. If Bob says EK was a better shot, I will take his word for that.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.