Starting a new movement.


In order for ANY numbers to mean squat, you have to #ibelievechina. Because if you don't #ibelievechina, then ALL numbers are wrong.

Here is what a believer needs to believe:

1) China told the truth about when the virus started (sometime in late December #ibelievechina)
2) No one traveled to or from China in the months of October-December of last year. Therefore, no one with the virus left China. Those 2000 plus flights a week in and out of China were just uninfected people moving about the world. #ibelievechina
3) Because China is such an upstanding country, with great leaders who care for their countrymen and other populations of the world, they were forthcoming about all aspects of the origin, severity,and timing of the rona #ibelievedhina
4) Back in January Fauci is letting Trump know there is nothing to worry about. Pelosi and Deblasio are asking people to visit Chinatown and go to the show or out to eat.#ibelievefaucipelosideblasiocuomowilltellmethetruth
5) Fauci then changes course and now it's all Trump's fault for reacting too quickly then not quickly enough #ibelievefauci Trump shuts down travel to China 3rd week of January (so how many people came and went from China just in those 3 weeks)
6) Based on a false narrative, the liberals find an easy path to beat Trump over the head with said false narrative.#ibelievetheMSMistellingmethetruth
7) Now we are told that all death WITH covid are deaths FROM covid #ibelievethenumbersandtheMSMistellingmethetruth
8) all 100,000 deaths are really from covid. No really they are. #ibelievetheMSMistellingmethetruth
9) Other causes of death are NOT declining. #ibelievetheMSMistellingmethetruth

I think most people here on the fire are sensible people, who for whatever reason jumped up and grabbed a hold of the fairy tale. Some because they are gullible, some because they, or a loved one, were more vulnerable based on what we know about the virus. Some have come to realize they are being lied to and some haven't.

My contention from the start of this was never trust a fart. (China) Therefore, I never bought into the falsehood that we didn't get it here until January. It cannot make sense for it to be so. Therefore, the number of people who have had it is undocumented and way under estimated. But, for some reason, isn't playing in the MSM is it? Wonder why that is?

So now we come to the same old tired argument of just how many need to die? And, what if it were your family member?

1) Why didn't we ask the same questions in previous years? It is obvious everyone was accepting of flu deaths because no one ever shut down the economy for the flu before. My family members can die from any number of things with a higher probability of doing so than covid. I ain't gonna live in fear of this.
2) In any health crisis, we would isolate and quarantine the sick, not the healthy. (And not just sort of quarantine, like we have now) How does quarantining the healthy, and those who are the least vulnerable help stem the tide of the virus?
a) let me answer that last question for you. It doesn't help if the healthy are being asked to stay inside with the sick.
3) I know personally 2 people who have had it, and I only know of someone who knew someone died.

There are no dues to join #ibelievechina

You can quit at any time with out penalty.



The liberal mind is an endless black hole of stupidity.