Originally Posted by 65BR
Before folks start claiming it's 'OUR Fault' for 'Demanding cheap goods' - let's stop and remember how all this started.

Corporate America wanted to increase margins, so offshored jobs and production.

As to say WalMart, Sam was proud to have signs all over the stores saying Made in the USA. He died, then his descendants took over....the rest is history.

Well, folks do not have a choice in all product categories to choose a USA made product.........but they do have a choice to buy or not buy a product for whatever reason they want.




I agree. We didn't demand cheaper products from slave labor, we were told (advertisement) we wanted cheaper made products by the advertising the companies did. I'm old enough to remember how all that went down with companies wanting cheap labor and keep the prices the same. Eventually they had to lower the prices, [threw us a bone], because the john public was catching on.
Maybe folks in the last 30yrs. started demanding cheaper prices because they were well programmed.

I'm not so sure that foreign paid workers make a wage from US companies that equals the work performed. You can say it equals their countries average wage level, but what the hell does that mean? Paying slave labor wages is ok because that is the average income for the slaves in that country!
Originally we, the folks in this country, wanted to bring the World living standards up to our level, now we want to lower ours to 3rd World standards with many being ok with that.

Last edited by K22; 09/24/20.