Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Pappy348
Haven't heard about Phillipine optics workers jumping out of high windows like the folks who make iPhones.

That's a pretty low bar... not a place I want to park my conscience.

Okay, let me put it this way; do you have any evidence whatsoever that the workers in the Philippines that make Burris stuff are mistreated, or underpaid by their country's standard of living? Do you have any evidence that they're unhappy with their jobs and don't have any choice about how and where they work? Do you actually think that you help any worker by not buying things because you suspect that they aren't being paid enough to make them?

I just bought a nice Merino wool blanket, made in India. I doubt that the people who made it get paid the same as the ones that work for Bemidji here, but I'll bet their circumstances are tolerable according to their notions, and that losing their jobs because of hand-wringing Americans trying to "help" them by not buying their wares wouldn't sit well with them.

I also have a Witney Point Blanket made in England and brought here by my WAC aunt after the war. I doubt the workers in Witney were very well-to-do either, but still valued the jobs that allowed them to live their lives according to their standard. Some jobs are tough, and don't pay all that well. Twas ever thus, but there are ways to improve one's lot, unless actually a slave as some reportedly are in China.

What fresh Hell is this?