Dad had a Fullfield. I got a Fullfield, cool. Got a Fullfield 2, ok, the Phil, no worries, doesn't bother me like it does some. Fullfield E1, yah buddy., good reviews etc, I like it, Burris is ok.. . New super duper 2020 Fullfield IV, looks great! Hey it's another Fullfield! Man I want one, Burris is cool, they aren't sellout sons a bitches.... Besides, it's 2 higher than a Fullfield 2! Gottabe good! Oh chit o dear that sob is made in fuucking China. No thanks.

A lot of patriots will choose other than MiC, if given the common courtesy of being informed. Ain't no surprise here now.

Yes, COO should be disclosed in all advertising and promotional materials for all products. Period. Anyone disagrees? BFD, post your opinion.

"I can't be canceled, because, I don't give a fuuck!"
--- Kid Rock 2022

Holocaust Deniers, the ultimate perverted dipchits: Bristoe, TheRealHawkeye, stophel, Ghostinthemachine, anyone else?