I think MtnBoomer's point has been completely lost on many replying here. It is well understood that many products and parts are being made in China and forced upon us. In order to break that trend we as consumers must find a starting point and begin there. Burris like Walmart, when first starting was totally about being made in the USA. Huge selling point and one that got all of our attentions. As far Walmart goes, a deep dig into Sam Walton will reveal very interesting agreements, but that is another subject. So what is an American to do when confronted with this dilemma? I gather from some of the posts on this thread and the thread Camera Land started, that since we have very little say in where parts are made or where optics are made we just need to stay quite, accept our fate like good little slaves. "You can't fight City Hall ya know". And if the company I work for is buying products from China, well, nothing I can do about that ya know. Apathy seems to be the word of the day anymore and apathy coming from conservatives and Patriots is sad.

You have to start somewhere and I agree with MtnBoomer, Burris is a great starting point.