Originally Posted by cdb
To stick with the logic espoused my most on this thread shouldn’t we boycott Burris and Steiner since their profits mostly benefit an Italian company? And shouldn’t Americans boycott S&B, Zeiss, Swarovski, Leica and other companies of their ilk not headquartered in the USA?

I also agree with Ilya. Country of origin is stamped on Burris scopes, if that isn’t enough then tough $hit.

I would agree if those companies are making their products in China...........a known communist company who doesn't hide the fact they are all about taking America down.

As for Country of Origin stamped on Burris scopes, that is true, it is NOT on the box. The Fullfield II scope box I have says nothing on the box. I have yet to find a sporting goods store that will let me tear open a sealed optics box to see where it was made. I've also seen where a box says made in the US and the product say made in China.