Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy

You sound like a f ucking retard that can't handle the truth.....or a joke for f uck sake.................boomer

Ps some of us have a job and aren't suckin social security dry lol

Some of us boomers are still drawing really nice paychecks from jobs companies need us to do because children can't, will not, or just not enough gas in the tank, a lack of sufficient grey matter maybe, but mostly experience in fugging back when others fugg with us, whilst sucking on the SS system we have been paying in the Max for for say, 51 years as in my case.

Children should be seen and not heard...

To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.-Richard Henry Lee

Endowment Member NRA, Life Member SAF-GOA, Life-Board Member, West TN Director TFA