It's you Melting Muffins' Imaginations,simply Pretend with them as you fhuqking MUST. Pardon my words being FAR too powerful and the pictures FAR too fhuqking awesome for you Window Licking Clueless Kchunts to refrain. You Drooling Fhuqktards are Moths to THE Flame. Hint. Congratulations?!?

At least you "get" to steal Pics,Prose and Punctuation,beings you cannot even BEGIN to "do" for yourselves. Then you "get" to TRY and "convince" yourselves how you "don't care",as you are fhuqking GLUED to my EVERY word and Splendid Pixel. I rather enjoy the Imaginary Pretend Ignore too,as you gals "live" vicariously and think of me,every moment of every fhuqking day. You "hard charging" Window Licking Fhuqktards are certainly a "rugged" lot and Professional "Victims" of THE highest order! Read that again. Now one more time. Hint. Fhuqking LAUGHING!

Hop aboard coat tails,if only to leave your couches and masks for a fleeting moment and wax eloquent upon your exceptionally WELL founded and countless Insecurities. Practice my Phraseology and Lexicon,FIXATE Rifle's names and get ALL you can,if only because it's your only fhuqking "move" "lucky" kchunts. HINT. Laughing!

[Linked Image from]

Bless your hearts for being incapable yourselves.



Oooooopsie,I KNOW you Do Nothing Kchunts are peeking over the fence,to catch a glimpse of a start on Today's Mail and I apologize for the oversight. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!...................

[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Big Stick; 02/16/21. Reason: Forgot today's Mail

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."