Originally Posted by hillestadj
Originally Posted by irfubar
[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

A guy can do what he pleases with his schitt - be he man or Munchkin.

Can't help but feeling for whoever gets the phone call when he finally kicks off though;
"Hey, got an estate for you - lots of higher end stuff, Kimbers, Anschutz, optics, you name it. Interested?"

Estate buyer barely containing a raging boner, visions of an absolute ass pillaging and 300% markups flashing through his brain - " Uh, yeah, I can come take a look - not sure what I can offer you doesn't sound collectible or things I can move fast, but I can swing by this afternoon".

Estate thief arrives on scene at the horde, walking funny cause hes half torqued at the thought of the phuggin' hes about to lay down. Some Billie Eilish *but more strung out* look alike opens the door. Scent of stale Keystone Light, old gravity bongs and 40 years worth of sauerkraut farts smashed into couch cushions wafts out. Chub killer, so hes actually grateful for the momentary clarity.

Pleasantries are exchanged - safe doors open.........WTF!! Flashes of rust, yellow LokTite, and Rustoleum Bright Coat assault the senses. Everything has tape....EVERYTHING.

"Bitch, WTF am I sposed to do with this phaggot painted schitt?! Looks like Liberace fugged Elton Johns laundry hamper in here. Is that one named "Boner Garage"? WTF is a "Poophole Loophole? WHY TF is every barrel cut down 8" and 7* off sqaure?!!"

Picks one up just to make sure this is real life, shoulders it.

"Sweet fuggin' K-rist. Who has a 10 1/4" LOP?!"

Billy Eilish getting impatient - "So whatya gimme for it all"

Estate Vulture - "Nothing, nada. Pitch it in a fuggin' dumpster. Who TF would use this?!"

Billie "Well well fugg you then c.unt! Pardon wares that exist and their ACTUAL use,so reliably confounding you Cross-eyed Drooling Dumbfhuqk!!!!"

Fade to Black

You my man are a GOD......