Originally Posted by Paddler
So, just a few questions for you Rush worshippers:

1) Do you believe that Rush Limbaugh died from lung cancer?

2) Did Rush glamorize smoking, saying it was cool?

3) Did Rush deny that second hand smoke was a health risk?

4) Did Rush smoke cigars?

5) Did smoking cause Rush's lung cancer?

6) Did Rush lie about the risks of smoking causing cancer?

7) If Rush lied repeatedly about something as scientifically proven as smoking causing cancer, why would anyone believe anything else he said?

8) Rush claimed that his talent was God given. Do you think God gave him cancer to shut him up? And, do you think God specifically gave him lung cancer because Rush lied so blatantly about the link between smoking and that particular type of cancer, and his brand included smoking big, fat cigars? Was God trying to tell his followers that Rush was not to be trusted?

Just a thought exercise, a reality check for you boys.

What kind of real MD engages in trivial BS on a Internet forum???