Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
1. Rush was diagnosed with lung cancer. Therefore he died from complications from lung cancer.

2. LIAR! Rush never glamorized smoking. He did say smoking ceeee-gars was cool. His choice to smoke them and his choice to say they were cool.

3. Yes! Based on statistical facts.

4. Rush did smoke ceeee-gars. HIS CHOICE!


6. NO! He did not! The LIE-BERAL leftists constantly lie about smoking stats.

7. Well that is your STUPID OPINION!

8. Interesting that you are trying to guess God's wisdom. Paddler, YOU ARE SUCH THE IDIOT!

HEY BONEHEAD!.....Even people who do not smoke get lung cancer. Especially more common in women who do not smoke and have never smoked..

And you are a doctor?

Your diatribe is based on nothing more than pure bastardized emotion.

Allow me to piggyback on your excellent post directed at our resident troll.

Actually, Limbaugh did warn people about the dangers of cigarettes, of which he smoked for a couple of decades earlier in his life. He would regularly proclaim that he was reading from a document "Held in my formerly nicotine stained fingers..." a reference to the fact he beat his pack a day cigarette habit.

While neither are good for you, I recall the words of Comedian George Burns (who lived to be 100) : "Cigarette are a habit. Cigars are an indulgence."

Truth is that when Limbaugh was born in 195, the life expectancy of a US white male born that year was 66.5. I'd say he beat the curve.


Finally, I just can't believe this line from our resident Troll:

"Do you think God gave him cancer to shut him up?"

So, in the Troll world, God selects people and gives them cancer? The dude is pathetic. Some of you still think an MD writes anything he posts? I've had him on ignore for years, but still occasionally see hisUnbelievable lunacy when it is quoted. Unbelievable. God gives people cancer..........

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo