Originally Posted by cooper57m
Well you sure quoted lots of facts and put me in my place - - - NOT! On the contrary, I'm not afraid of either COVID or the shot (which I've already had). During the whole COVID thing I've been out shooting skeet and trap with friends, actually shaking hands, eating at restaurants and delis that allow it, going shopping and only wearing a mask at those places that require it. The reason I took the shot was for all of us to have a chance to return to normal. I'm tired of living 1/2 a life, not being able to visit my elderly mother or my young grand nieces and nephews. I'm tired of not being able to play out anywhere in my band. I want to see live music and theater again. For the chance of doing all that, I took the 1st shot and will take another. Not out of fear but out a desire to live a full life again. Understand?? Probably not.

Bla bla bla. I didn’t get a shot for the same reasons.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.