Originally Posted by cooper57m
Oh, let me play the conspiracy game. Ok? IF I were some unscrupulous commie/lib/one worlder/Illuminati etc type with the MSM media in my pocket and wanting to get control of the US/World and a pandemic hit, how would I use it to my advantage.

Let's see, I would:

- Create mass hysteria using the MSM (check)
- Shut down society as we know it, manifesting that hysteria and making it concrete. (check)
- Publicize and exaggerate the number of deaths due to the pandemic (check)
- Put forth in the Alt Con press stories of elixers/concoctions/snake oil that doesn't work but gives false hope to their readers. (check)
- Down play those elixers in the Gov't and MSM so wacky Cons will really believe they work. (check)
- When a cure/vaccine that does work comes out - really tout them in the MSM which they know the wacky Cons don't believe (check).
- Make the vaccine more available in the Blue States/Counties so that your political supporters are protected first while people in Red State/Counties are left to continue to die. (check)
- Plant stories in the Alt Con press questioning the effectiveness or safety of the vaccine so wacky Cons won't take it. (check)

This way, our country with a 50/50 ideological split will become a 60/40 or 70/30 split in favor of the Dems/libs who took the vaccine and they win. The blame would be on the virus and the stupidity of the Cons who were too stupid to take it. No blood on their hands, they were just trying to help.

Of coarse, it could work the other way too. If it was the Cons who wanted to get rid of the Dem/Libs they would do all the same stuff except make sure they intentionally created a poison vaccine to kill off the Lib/Dems who would want to be first in line. But then that would make the Cons guilty of mass genocide and since 75% took the vaccine the whole country is in disarray and society breaks down.

What doesn't make sense, is the Lib/Dems/MSM creating mass hysteria etc etc and then pushing a poison vaccine to those who think like them making them guilty of mass genocide against their own kind and leaving the world/country to the Cons and preppers.

IF the vaccine proves to not be safe, and the Libs/Dems/not wacky Cons die off, it would seem more likely to be the result of a mistake and not a conspiracy. Now that makes sense.

You voted for Xiden, did you not?

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)