These shots have the potential to create drug resistant viruses by the way they are designed, and have in the past. That is how you get things like drug-resistant TB, C-Diff, MRSA.

These shots have the potential to create immune disorders down the road. They use your DNA. mRNA is the instructions to tell your DNA what to do.

When you screw with mother nature..........

Just the simple fact they have never been able to create a Corona family virus vaccine, because it caused ADE and death to the animals in trial tests should be an immediate stop for people.

What part of unproven, unsafe and didn't go through a complete trial phases do you people not understand? it takes 10-20 years to develop to ensure they work, but most important are safe people. It's your life. Don't let these commies scare you into risking your lives. remember it was only going to be for 15 days. just 15 days.

There are successful protocols now that work if you take it upon the first symptom, even if you have co-morbidities.

The KEY is getting it into your system before viral replication starts or the virus gets into your lungs. That is when the danger starts, but is not a guaranteed death. you seen the old man in the video above. He was a goner, and it saved him, yet these yacks in the medical field here want to protect the medical criminal cartel (They murdered thousands, and built the vents to do it), and lie about me for exposing these facts. LOL

Also, again, the country reached herd immunity just as they began the jabbing of the shots, so why the need for the shots? FRAUD and MONEY, and depopulation.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)