Originally Posted by battue
Get off the whatever, you have dipped into the realm of insignificant babble..and your little reverse insinuations are really telling..Not very bright, but definitely telling....Do you even realize?

Plant...The Clintons also????? Fool, budded retard and closet freak.....

But go on post up the last, you have already proven yourself to be nothing more than a freak on more than one level...

Have at it, failure becomes you....and hanging too long with fools and failures leaves little for amusement..

The above is what a defeated communist looks like folks after I kick their balls up into their throat. You notice he/she has completely avoided discussing the facts?
The above is called total defeat. Anyone want to point to one single post where battullip has specifically posted any detail to help anyone.

Boy, he's great at gaslighting me, like he just did.

That is gaslighting people, and the commies are experts at it.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)