Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by RickyD
Yep, there is a big difference between religion and relationship. Kinda like having a backstage pass instead the cheap seats in the nose bleed section.

In the case of Christianity those who have a relationship with our Lord get to observe His invitation to feast on His flesh and drink His blood, and be washed of wine by the waters of baptism on His account, all of which are recognized as intimately real evidence of His love AND religious in their nature.

A twofer.

what does that even mean?? that is the most bibled up gobbledygook crap. I heard that kind of stuff my whole life, sitting in the 3rd pew every freaking service the church had...and I'm thinking, what does this stuff even MEAN?

that was 40 years ago and It still sounds like some gobbledygook that someone made up to get the attention of people who would cough up money to hear it.