Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Trespassing is evidence of a crime.
Then I've got a bunch of hunters to shoot this year, based on your "logic".
You dumbasses won't give it up, will you? Arbury didn't get shot until he tried to wrestle away a weapon.

Are you really that stupid or are you just an [bleep]?

Some of us recognize that when a bunch of people in motor vehicles brandishing firearms have been chasing a person on foot across town for several minutes. Cursing, screaming, and threatening said person. Any reasonable person would recognize that as an attack.

Upon being run to the point of exhaustion by motorists, one of those motorists jumps out brandishing his shotgun to further his ATTACK.

Any reasonable person being attacked in this manner, after being run to the point of exhaustion, would know. He can either turn his back and try to walk away, and be shot in the back. Or he could attempt to fight back and possibly die as a result.

Most of the posters on this forum CLAIM they would fight back to their last breath in such a situation.

Is there any here who would claim that Arbery was not under attack????

Just like Kyle Rittenhouse was under attack????

Yeah, the guys attacking Kyle thought they were justified in their actions as well.

Justice has been properly served in both cases, except for the fact that Kyle should have never been arrested, nor should he have been faced with a trial.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.