Originally Posted by lvmiker
A couple of questions for our legal scholars: If the jogger had pulled out a gun and shot the dummy that was pointing a gun in his direction could the jogger claim self defense? Even if he could not legally own a gun does the jogger have the right to self defense if in imminent jeopardy of death or great bodily harm?

mike r

Don't listen to TRH. He's a damn idiot. First, it depends upon whose state law you are going to apply. Each state has different laws. In GA, you can lose your right to self-defense when you break into a building with the intent to commit a felony. Well, given that no felony was committed, it'd be damn hard to prove that he entered the house to commit a felony. Likewise it'd be impossible for the Klan brothers to have known his intent.

If the races were reversed in this scenario, TRH would be be calling for the hanging of shotgun boy.