Originally Posted by UpThePole
Funny thing, when I was in hospital with COVID, I was the ONLY one in the ward that had been vaxed and boosted. Given my other issues Dr said i would have dies without vax.

Wonder if De-Flaggot also refused polio and all other childhood immunizations.

As he never served all the shots we got to go to war were no issue to him.

20 posts a day ? He's safe as he never leaves the basement.
Ummmmmm Polio and all other childhood immunizations were tested for YEARS and VETTED before the public was allowed to have them. How you boomers forget that and rationalize the clot shot is beyond me. When I was in the hospital with Covid I was the ONLY one there (not vaccinated by something that isn't actually a vaccination).

Flave did serve in the military you dumb azz.

You really should know what you are talking about before you open your pie hole.