I had a near collision with death this summer after a covid infection. The Rona didn't get me but the crazy reaction it caused in my immune system almost did.

Came close to not being here, as I had almost no platelets and would have bled out internally.

Hematologist came by to talk and I got ready to be lectured about the vaccine I refused.

But when it came up in conversation he shrugged and said basically, as far as he could tell, it didn't seem to matter and that I would have had the reaction to the vaccine or the virus either way.

He admitted openly that it's been a schit show and no one really has a handle on the facts.

Kind of refreshing, really.

And no, I am not getting the "vaccine" money maker. [bleep] those commie liars and their cult.

Last edited by mjbgalt; 08/29/22.