Originally Posted by deflave
I know it's a tough pill for many of you to swallow, but this thread and the entire COVID affair, is a perfect example of just how GD dumb and gullible most people are.

Yes, there are bad people in every walk of life that genuinely promote the ideals of communism, socialism, etc. But the vast majority of human beings today are just flat fugking stupid, and flat fugking gullible. It's safe to assume that most everybody today has at least an 8th grade education and it is taught that you cannot vaccinate a virus like COVID. This is proven science going back 100 years. It was taught to all of us at some point in our lives.

There are only two classes of people alive today. Americans, and fugking idiots.

When COVID-19 first started and I listened to the news and then I looked around my community and did not see what the news and government was claiming in their reports. At that point I knew not to believe their BS

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first