Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Originally Posted by kaywoodie
And I suppose quite possibly had my late wife taken the Ivermectin as I did she would be alive today. But she refused it.

Would have
Could have
Should have

Regardless, I doubt any shot, vaccine, or snake oil would have helped her in her preexisting condition. She was a very sick person.

But what do I know???

My condolences, and I can truly sympathize. My wife of 18 years passed away last December. Massive heart attack. We both thought she was dead in 2015 from stage IV cancer. Instead, she had the surgery, told them to stuff their chemo halfway through, and lived another 6.5 years. Those years were a blessing I'll always be very grateful for. The cardiac arrest was caused by blood clots in her lungs, they said, maybe caused by the cancer. Or maybe--which they didn't say--caused by the 4 rounds of chemo she underwent. Maybe both.

She, too, was tired of it all, especially the "health care system." She quit going for scans and checkups after they refused to remove the chemo port. Their "treatment" made her sicker than the cancer did, and she always kept that in mind. That and the bowls of candy at the infusion center. Anyone who has studied cancer even a little understands what a disgusting irony that is.

It's an industry. There's no incentive to cure anyone or to prevent any illness, only to maximize profits by milking insurance companies--and failing that your personal resources--for everything they can get. The "vaccine" is no different, is in fact the greatest corporate profit generator--at taxpayer expense--in history. And the narrative behind the push has always been and still remains way too frantic, shrill, and scripted to be anything other than fear-porn propaganda with an insidious agenda behind it. What the actual agenda really is remains to be seen. What we can safely say, what is glaringly obvious in fact, is that the agenda is evil, and has nothing to do with the health and well being of American citizens.

Here it is, August. Of 2022. I remain un-jabbed and healthy. So not only no, but f u c k no!

I never did fear what some talking head told me to fear and ain't about to start now.

The only bandwagon I'm willing to jump on is Nuremburg 2.0.

I proudly stand right there with you Brother!!!

And yes I’m still, and shall remain unvaxx-ed!!

My deepest condolences

Ancient Order of the 1895 Winchester

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools,
Being native burghers of this desert city,
Should in their own confines with forked heads
Have their round haunches gored."