Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Whoever is behind them taking the pic's.
If the photographer is one of the group, he is o the wrong side of the road - as were others in the previous pic.
Evidently, crossing the centerline is OK for bicyclists, but not motorists?
Are bicyclists required to stay as far right as feasible, when there is no designated bike lane?

When I look at those pictures, I see arrogance on display.

FWIW, I have nothing against bicyclists who do it right - but that seems to be a rare breed, anymore.

It is most likely that it is a member of their group or another cyclist taking the photo. My point is that there is no need to imagine that those cyclists are creating a problem. Almost all states use the words "far right as practicable." Not possible. That language was purposefully chosen. It allows the cyclist to take a position at other places on the road for a number of reasons. For example when I ride, I ride pretty much center lane. It makes me more visible to others, it makes drivers less likely to do a brush pass, and it makes them more likely to treat me like traffic. Once I am confident a vehicle coming up from behind sees me, I ease over an they go around without delay. If I ride with another person or a group, I'll ride side by side. That's allowed in every state whose bicycle law I have read. Riding side by side makes us "easier to see" for those who might claim a bicyclist is "hard to see." Again, when traffic comes up from behind, I accommodate them.

I reckon someone will see that as arrogant. I can only say that I won't apologize for riding a bicycle on the road, I won't take kindly to being bullied and I do care about those I share the road with and will work cooperatively with them.

Bet you made Apple Butter and lard as a kid.
Top 5 pot stirred at least.

If every bike rider responded to cars like you, there would be
fewer accidents, less trouble.

At least half don't.

They stay center lane, 2 wide. And hold up traffic.

But you know that.

Originally Posted by HawkI
I reckon some will see this as arrogant: I won't apologize for believing bikes don't belong on the road for recreational activity, I don't take kindly to them being on the road phoucking off on said road and most of them I've encountered do not care or cooperate with anything other than their Lance Armstrong wet dreams. Except to the point they get hit or run off the road.

Does anyone have pics of those bastards playing 4 man badminton in the middle of those mountain passes? Oh right....

Not just bikes.
Recreation in general.
Roadways were built and funded for transportation, not recreation.
ATVs, horses, bikes, Leaf Lookers. Given the power, I'd fine the guts
out of any of them holding up traffic more the 5% of the posted speed.

Equipment, trucks going uphill?
That's commerce, the underlying reason for the transportation in the
first place.

Don't get me started on ignorant Dickweasels blocking the aisle in
The store. The ones taking all day to comb their 8 year olds hair, then
walk him to the door while blocking the drop off lane at school.

Narcissism, Trending in the USA.

FWIW, and that is probably very little, when I interact with bicyclists, I implore them to take a cooperative approach, rather than an us vs them approach.

I don't know that it is narcissism, I think that in general it is a general lack of awareness of surroundings. The people that block the grocery aisle. Not that I have ever done this, but slamming your cart into theirs can make for fascinating human response. People who stand in the check-out line for 5 minutes while their groceries are being rung up, and only consider fumble fugking for their Visa card when the cashier finishes the process. Drivers who get distracted waiting at a traffic light and don't go when it turns green. Drivers who languish in the left lane while cars are continuously passing on the right. I suspect most of it is people who are unaware. Who knows though.

The purpose of roads boils down to belief. Ultimately the law spells out who can and cannot use roads. I don't care why or how someone is using the road as long as they are safe and considerate. I encountered an old guy on one of those 4 wheel disability scooters the other day. It didn't bother me one bit to go around. When I rode my bike yesterday, I encountered a woman in a CRV who stopped right in the middle of a 4 way intersection. I was coming up behind her. I very slowly went around, expecting her to turn left toward me at any moment. She was lighting a damn cigarette. Maybe, pull off to the side of the road to do that? Statistically speaking, there's a large chance of her being the kind that bitches about bicycles.

Farm tractor going down the winding back country road to till the deer plot.

Fat woman driving to McDonalds.

Old geezers in an RV driving up a mountain road.

Angry, middle aged, out of shape white guy driving to the hunting camp.

Horse lover towing horse trailer to the National Forest trail to ride.

Family on their way to Disney.

Bicycle tourist on Route 66.

Amish buggy taking bread to the local outdoor market.

I don't care why people are using the road. Just be as fugking cooperative with others as you can.

I am not so narcissistic that I think I have a right to plow through life without ever lifting off of the gas. Seems many here are unlike me in that regard.