Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by JeffA
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
I am out in the lane until a car approaches, then I move over once I am reasonably sure I have been seen.
And you still don't understand how that move, right there that you plainly describe might more appear to just be a clueless bike rider swerving around in the road ahead.
A move over as a vehicle approaches from the rear=swerving around? LOLOLOL.

Absolutely, and you're well aware of why you do that.
It's control issues you suffer Paul.
Same reason you desired to purchased a retirement property in a HOA controlled neighborhood.

Paul must be in full control in all situations, the world revolves around Paul.

Originally Posted by JeffA
This is exactly the problem.

It's like a incurable disease, it's imbedded, probably from childhood.

Originally Posted by JeffA
If you ride out in the road people will brake and slow down, disrupting traffic flow because Paul's chose to ride his bike in the road.

When I'm driving down the road and I see a bike traveling in the same direction as I, in my my lane, consistently hugging the fog line, I see them as a rider that has their act together and is very aware there are also cars on the road.

That rider presents little problem, I can suck it over to the center line and pass him by leaving ample room for both he and I.

When I see a bike out in my lane, blocking the road, swerveing around I see an idiot.
Totally unpredictable, could be a kid, could be impaired, could be anything.
Bring the driving to a crawl, disrupt traffic, there's a fool on the loose.

Just because you decide to entertain yourself with a activity that requires alternative use of a roadway don't mean the world must come to a grinding halt for your lame azz.