Originally Posted by JeffA
This is exactly the problem.

It's like a incurable disease, it's imbedded, probably from childhood.

Just like my original post here, these parents were fools!

How many times have we all seen the scenario played out.

[Linked Image from cdn.w600.comps.canstockphoto.com]

Mom, Dad and Junior on bikes in the road.
Mom's on the inside, Dad on the outside flanking Junior in the middle as he zigzags down the road attempting to control a bike.

Does Mom and Dad actually think they are protecting their child?
Is Dad such a badazzed bicycle stud that he thinks cars and trucks will magically deflect off him and not harm his kid?

It's just SO WRONG in so many ways.

They should both be charged with obstructing traffic and child endangerment.

They are inadvertently training their kid to ride in the road with no concerns of traffic because they will always yield way to you.

It's just like your mentality Paul, what are you thinking?

If you ride out in the road people will brake and slow down, disrupting traffic flow because Paul's chose to ride his bike in the road?

I hate to brake it to you this late in life but the world doesn't revolve around you Paul!

Do you ever stop and think that every driver on the road might not be up to par with their driving skills?

There's old drivers who's driving skills may be digressing, their aim, judgements and vision might not be what it once was.

There's young drivers on the road just developing driving skills that may not yet be so grand.

Then there's the impaired drivers..

This is what makes your mindset so fu_cking stupid!

To start with the roads were built for automobile use, riding a bike on a road is a alternative use for the design of 99% of the roads in this country.

When I'm driving down the road and I see a bike traveling in the same direction as I, in my my lane, consistently hugging the fog line, I see them as a rider that has their act together and is very aware there are also cars on the road.

That rider presents little problem, I can suck it over to the center line and pass him by leaving ample room for both he and I.

When I see a bike out in my lane, blocking the road, swerveing around I see an idiot.
Totally unpredictable, could be a kid, could be impaired, could be anything.
Bring the driving to a crawl, disrupt traffic, there's a fool on the loose.

Just because you decide to entertain yourself with a activity that requires alternative use of a roadway don't mean the world must come to a grinding halt for your lame azz.

This is why we spend millions of dollars developing BIKE TRAILS!

They're meant to get idiots on bikes off the road, you should seriously consider limiting your bicycle entertainment time to trails designated for bicycle use, your mentality does not mesh with the reality one must understand for sharing a roadway.

I am well aware you often enjoy playing the devils advocate role in these threads, but I think you honestly believe what your posting here.

This may be just the post that cleared my mental block. You are saying that it is reckless and unsafe to be on the road with vehicles that vastly outweigh them, and don't provide adequate protection in a collision?