Originally Posted by renegade50
Lots of people are afraid of criticism on here.
We all know the types.

The little hit and run post fuggs.
The simmering butthurt types.
The ones who run their pieholes but yet never post
"Pics or it never happened"

I really dont think anyone is being malicious to KG on this thread concerning the shot.
More of a ribbing for a reaction to see where it goes type of thing.
Then some back and forth stuff.

I give the cat kudo,s for posting about the shot.

Plus I got sent a txt pic of the buff like a day or 2 after he shot it.

Not much of a convo.
Asked if it was on a Rez out west somewhere.
Just it was shot on the 22nd or 23rd of oct.
Was left hanging on details and this thread filled em in nicely.

Glad KG made this thread.
I could only imagine the text length if he told me the story then.

Get calls outta the blue from the guy at times.
Lengthy calls.
Lot of things have been covered.
Stuff I have been wrong on and stuff he has been wrong on.
Stuff both of us put together and arrived at a different or same exact perceptions on things versus what either of us actually believed prior.

Hunting stuff.
Gun stuff.
Growing up stuff.(KG is lucky to be alive actually)
Dog stuff.

He is a good dude, and wont hold back what he thinks or sugarcoat schit.
Lots of guys on here like that.
Those are the cats to interact with no matter what dust ups or whatever has gone down over the course of time.

Big diff having spats with like minded individuals than these chameleon sunsabytches on here.

I know eventually I will have to go to Maine for funeral stuff.
And I know on the way back I can call KG and probably meet the dude.
Probably even have a drink with him and get on down the Rd back to Tennessee time...

And KG if you wanta eat something if we link up.
Homie has ate stuff from all over this rock.
I can't do the Jules Vern 20,000 leagues under the sea stuff man.
Steamer clams or fried clams with bellies are GTG
Lobster is GTG
Fish chowdaah is GTG along as it is haddock.
Mahi Mahi oven baked over a bed of rice is GTG.

Bout it for homie on the seafood side of the house and it all involves being COOKED 👍👍👍😄😄😄

Other than that....
A good pizza place will suffice.

All I get is dick picks

No phone calls, no cheesy peanut snacks, no free scope rings

I may have an abrasive personality
